Summit Claim Services


Our Appraisal Method


We analyze all of the documentation relating to your claim, ensuring that we have a clear understanding of your specific case.


Using the latest technology, we will inspect the damages related to your claim


With the information gathered, we will develop our own estimate of the damages


We work closely with contractors and other relevant professionals to ensure that we have everything needed to support the claim assessment


We act on your behalf to present our findings to your insurance company

Summit Claims Services is a collective group of highly experienced, contracted public adjusters. This carefully selected group of independent contractors is the team that makes up Summit Claims Services, and they will work tirelessly to ensure that your end result is a positive one. Contact us today to get started.

Carrier Appraisal

Insurance appraisers play a crucial role in the aftermath of a home disaster. When a homeowner files a claim, the insurance company will send out its own appraiser to assess the damages and determine the payout. However, having only the insurance company’s appraiser involved can sometimes result in an unfair settlement for the homeowner. This is where Summit Claims Services comes in.

Summit Claims Services offers homeowners an independent appraisal of their damages. This means that the homeowner has a second appraiser who can provide a fair and impartial assessment of the damages, which can be compared to the insurance company’s appraisal. This helps ensure that the homeowner receives a fair payout for the damages they have incurred.

Working with Summit Claims Services is easy for homeowners. All they need to do is contact the company and request an appraisal. The appraiser from Summit Claims Services will then visit the home, inspect the damages, and provide an accurate and detailed assessment of the damages. This appraisal can then be used by the homeowner as leverage during negotiations with the insurance company, to ensure that they receive a fair payout.

In conclusion, it’s important for homeowners to have an independent appraiser like Summit Claims Services on their side, especially in the aftermath of a home disaster. Having two appraisers can help ensure that the homeowner receives a fair payout, and provides peace of mind that the homeowner will not be taken advantage of by the insurance company. So, if you’re a homeowner who has recently suffered damages to your home, consider reaching out to Summit Claims Services for an independent appraisal.

Consumer Appraisals

How the Appraisal Process Works

Sometimes there is a disagreement over the insurance company’s valuation of an insurance claim. Policyholders often think the only way to settle the dispute is to hire a lawyer. Fortunately, this is not the case.  Appraisal is a method of Alternative Dispute Resolution often found in many homeowner and commercial insurance policies.

When you file an insurance claim, your insurance company will select and hire an appraiser – however, as a property owner, you can also bring in an independent appraiser that will provide a second opinion on the value and scope of your insurance claim. This allows you to ensure that you are getting the best possible outcome. 

These two parties – your independent appraiser, and the insurance company’s selected appraiser – will then select a neutral umpire that will mediate in the event that they cannot agree on a particular valuation. This umpire will ultimately make the final decision when it comes to your claim.